Today on the show I have the amazing Meredith Rom. I loved connecting with her! You can just tell by her voice how grounded, soulful, and heart centered she is. I absolutely loved the way that she talked about beauty and uniqueness as it pertains to the self. I think that's often times something that we just miss the ball on so much as we don't acknowledge the beauty and the uniqueness of our individuality, our humanness, our souls, and our hearts. I often get my clients to look at nature and I say, “Look how beautiful that is!” and what we get to realize is beauty that exists externally also exists within ourselves. The only thing we have to ask ourselves is, “Are we willing to look at it? Are we willing to realize it?” Something else we talked about is what to do when your partner is not into personal development and growth but you are. We also talk about the art of asking for help, the art of receiving, really stepping into our Womanhood, really stepping into our femininity, and asking for what we need to help us navigate this human experience.