Body image is just one of those things. It’s the stupid little voice in our heads the nagging, the pleading and trying to always get a word in. It’s an internal battle. World War 3 tends to rip us up inside telling us we are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, and certainly not skinny enough. Especially not skinny enough.
You’re not alone and you never, ever will be. For as long as there is television, Victoria Secret models and glamour magazines, we will always feel a sense of inadequacy. A feeling we become attached to, the sense that we are missing something.
So we search relentlessly, daily and viciously for the next beauty fix – the next thing which will enhance our boobs, legs, skin tone and complexion. The next beauty marketing ploy we can waste our money on to make us feel that one degree more beautiful.
Stop wasting your money, you will never, ever feel beautiful from product overload. Chances are, you will end up looking like an adult sized child beauty pageant star, feeling deflated a total disconnect from your true, naturally beautiful self.
Beauty resonates from the inside, from your heart, soul and spirit. It’s an inside-out job. Have you ever seen someone radiate, have an amazing glow as they smile, a bounce in their step or you’re mesmerised by the way they simply move their bodies? These people aren’t supermodels; they don’t have the ‘total beauty package’ per say, they simply love themselves. Not in a chauvinistic selfish way, but in a beautiful natural glowing way.
Learning to love yourself is about self-mastery, mind over matter kind of stuff. We are constantly told to be selfless and to ‘not think about ourselves’. Somewhere down the line, this message has been construed and we simply don’t take the time to recognise our talents, gifts, internal love, and beauty. We need to transform this mentality, take time daily to appreciate ourselves and manifest an environment within us that is formed from a place of utter gratitude.
I’m on a mission to switch up this status quo – are you with me?