Perfectionism is something that so many of us struggle with, especially when we’re chasing our dreams. It’s when you refuse to accept anything less than perfection, and you think in a very all or nothing way. It’s also the quickest way to zap all the joy and pleasure from your life, which is why it’s so dang important to overcome it.
It’s easy to fool ourselves into believing that perfectionism is the road to success, but the truth is that it’s just a way to keep us small and hiding from the world and who we are meant to be. Perfectionism is usually tied to a need for worth, significance, or external approval, which are wants based in the mind. It’s time to tap into your soul, honor yourself, and do what feels good. Here’s how to overcome perfectionism:
Overcoming perfectionism takes time and commitment, but I promise it is so worth it. It leads to a type of freedom and self-love that may seem like a dream (ha – see what I did there?!).