Hungry for Happiness Academy Coach Certification Program

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How The Society Has Helped So Many Women

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Sooo by now I’m sure you’ve heard my big announcement – that we are ending The Society foreverrrr. And this ain’t no scarcity marketing tactic, cause that shit don’t fly with me. This is me finally listening to the whispers of the Universe, and accepting that The Society is no longer in alignment with my work. And here’s the thing…
You are allowed to let go. You are allowed to create a new reality.
And that’s exactly what I’m doing. I can’t talk the talk and not walk the walk, yanno what I mean? 😉
For months now, The Society has felt super heavy and hard. And if you know anything about me, I am the laziest entrepreneur of all time, so if something is waaay too hard month after month, it’s not in alignment with how I want to run HFH.
So it’s time to shake things up. But I still want to make sure that for those of you who have been lurking and contemplating The Society for months – you don’t miss out. Because the program really is amazing and will change your life. I wanna jam on why The Society is so magical…
The reason that The Society has helped hundreds of women around the world is because it’s not a bandaid on a bullet wound. The program is not a quick fix that revolves around restriction, over-exercise, and shaming you skinny.

The Society is about discovering and healing the deep, emotional root cause of WHY you emotionally eat in the first place. Once you know the why, then you can heal it and work on changing your daily habits and patterns that usually result in a binge.
After years of doing this work, I know that social support and having your own coach are the keys to success, and I built The Society around these features. In the program, you will work with women who have dealt with the same issues and ended their fight with food and body. They will support and encourage you every step of the way. These are the kind of results that you can expect from The Society:

  • Emotional eating and obsessing over food will be a thing of the past.


  • You’ll learn to love and accept your body, not in spite of your “flaws,” but because of them.


  • You will no longer be afraid of being seen and heard.


  • The Society will help you discover who you really are at your core.


  • You will no longer settle with life, you’ll realize that you are capable and deserving of so much more, and you will shake things up to live the life of your dreams.


If you are struggling to commit to The Society, here’s something I want you to ask yourself: 

“What is this fight with food and body costing me?”

Really stop and think about it for a minute. This type of pain and unhappiness bleeds into every area of your life – relationships, money, energy, time, quality of life. You have one shot at living this life as your highest, best, and most authentic self. Don’t spend one more minute driving yourself crazy over food, obsessing about your weight, and being fundamentally unhappy. You deserve better.

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