We are told to set goals, ‘set a goal, stay laser focused and achieve it’. Do it, and do it now. It’s a race against the clock against your personal best and against your will.
Goals are old school. There’s been a shift, a shift in mentality, perception and results. I’ve been defeated by my goals time and time again. Setting the bar unbelievably high, aiming for something that is nearly impossible – yet it’s a goal, so I will sweat, bleed and throw all hands on deck until I reach it. My self-satisfaction will surely be increased, right? Well – maybe for some, but not for me. Through trial and error, and error, and error, I’m learning that this is in fact quite a dysfunctional way of learning, growing and manifesting and IN FACT – there is a better way to achieve your own form of personal greatness and accomplishment.
It’s a sweet, sweet thing called – Intention.
Set intentions, not goals. An intention by definition is an aim, a goal is a result. Remaining ‘laser focused‘ on the goal and wearing vision blockers may hinder opportunity and constrict creativity when reaching for your desired intentions. Cognitive power is more apparent in goal setting; constantly analyzing, processing and measuring where you are and where you want to be. For some this process works, particularly left-brain dominate beings, which I am not.
Intentions are focused on vision. It’s about learning how to eliminate the ‘how‘ and welcome the ‘why‘. I’m a firm believer, as most of you know – in the power of finding your ‘why’ it’s your driving force. Your ‘why’ will feed your intentions, and your intentions will feed your ‘why’ it’s a glorious circle of creation and growth.
Goals resonate in the head, intentions are from the heart. Intentions don’t require tangible outcomes which measure success or failure. Intentions are created from a place of love, goals are sometimes attached to a place of fear. I’ve set goals in order not to fail, in actuality, I was running away from my fear of failure rather than running towards my love of intent. An internal power struggle would ignite and often leave me feeling defeated if I didn’t reach my goals under strict time restraints.
So I stopped, shifted my focus and saw miracles happen. Literally.
I challenge you to dream of your deepest desires, set intentions to gravitate towards them. Whatever they may be…
Here’s to you and your desired intentions.
With Massive Love,
Samantha Skelly