Today we are diving into mindful eating. For most of my life, the thought of eating mindfully seemed like a total waste of time. I’d go into ‘zombie’ mode, shutting off all my emotions and just ate without tuning into my body or really realizing what I was doing.
Have you ever sat down with no distractions and just ate? Being totally present with what you were eating? Tasting it fully, feeling how it felt in your body after you ate?
I’m sure most of you have yet to experience what this really feels like – and don’t worry, this is not taught in school. So often when we eat it’s in a hurry, standing up, doing computer work, texting, emailing….whatever it is. This week I challenge you to just eat, notice all the sensations and be present.
Mindfully eating is one the best access points to overcoming binge eating. When we are binge eating, we shut off our emotions, we aim to numb an uncomfortable sensation in the body. Essentially, we aren’t present with our pain. In order to be present with our pain we first must recognize it’s there… don’t push it away. Pain is a part of human growth – when we deny ourselves pain, we deny ourselves growth. Use pain as a catalyst for internal growth.