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Why I Love Breathwork

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I first encountered breathwork a few years ago while I was in Bali. There was a posting for a 3-hour workshop, and since I was free, I figured I’d give it a go. After the class, I was speechless. I felt whole, renewed, and invigorated in a way I had never felt before in my life. After years of struggling with food and body and being so disconnected from my vessel, it was an incredible feeling.  
I had no idea that breath alone could create so much ease, lightness, and openness in the body.
And so began my obsession with breathwork. Since then, I’ve participated in every breathwork class I could find. I studied with the pioneer in the breathwork field, and began teaching this modality at my retreats, which many clients have told me is the most powerful component of the Hungry for Happiness retreats.

A few months ago, things were feeling super heavy with Hungry for Happiness. I knew something needed to change, but I didn’t know what or the path forward. And then one night, I was driving in San Diego beneath a full moon, and I got an intuitive hit that something new was on the horizon. It was an emotional moment for me, and when I asked the Universe, “What’s next for me, what’s my next calling?” The answer was loud and clear:
“You need to teach the world to breathe.”
In that moment, the new branch of my company, Pause Breathwork, was born.
So here’s the mission with Pause: to unite humanity by helping people breathe, feel, and thrive. So much of our pain and struggle is due to disconnection, from the self and from each other. We are wired to connect and collaborate. In today’s world, our systems don’t know how to handle separation and isolation. The only way we know how to cope is through more fear, which is why we’re living in a fear-based existence.
Connection allows us to feel safe and feel at home.
We are craving wholeness within ourselves. On a subconscious level, this is the root of what we are driven by, this deep desire to feel whole. We often act out to try and meet this need and therefore our behaviours will become destructive, like emotional eating, alcohol, etc.

Breathwork can help us reclaim the wholeness that is already present in the body.
Here are some of the benefits of breathwork:

  • *Immediate stress reduction and anxiety relief.
  • *Aids in connecting us with our emotions and changes our response to them.
  • *Revitalizes our organs.
  • *Gives us access to our higher power.
  • *Reduced toxins in our bodies and provides an energetic release.
  • *Provides more energy and mental clarity.
  • *Deepens our relationship to our body.
  • *Releases trauma that has been stuck in our systems for years.
  • *Allows us to address our emotionality in the moment.

I’ve experienced the power of breathwork in my own life, and now I’m so excited to share this tool with others. Keep an eye out on the site and on our social media accounts in the coming months. There’s gonna be a lot of activity going on 😉

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