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How I Almost Let Body Image Ruin My Career

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A few years ago I was asked to stand in the eyes of the public. This event was for a few hundred people, and the first time I felt validated and empowered to share my story. But that wasn’t the only feeling I had. My presentation was well practiced and perfect, and people were there and listening. They were ready. But I wasn’t.
The thought of standing on a stage or asking for a promotion sent me into a panicked state of ‘I’m not good enough’. I was riddled with damaging thoughts that kept me at arms length from what I truly wanted and desired in my career. What I didn’t realize is that it was who I am that made me what I am. All of me got me to where I was, not a figure of what I though I could look like.
And so I continuously thought “When I lose 10 pounds I will…apply for that job, ask for that promotion, deliver that talk, speak up in a meeting”. This was anything but healthy.

The success of my career was dependant on the number on the scale. The number on the scale told me how worthy I was that day, it told me if I was worthy of asking for more out of life. My life was dependant on a sliding scale, a constant moving target. This drove me into a phase of stress, social-anxiety and lack of confidence. I held myself back from going for more, simply because I didn’t think I deserved it, yet.
Until one day, it dawned on me. I was letting career pass me by for fear of not being enough. I realized I had to move into where I wanted to be before feeling ready. By doing so I would develop the confidence. I was the only one standing in the way of achieving my own personal greatness.
I got to that stage not because of worry and concern, I got there because my knowledge, confidence, and who I was. I was accepted, valued, and trusted to take the next step; it was my job to take it.
We often talk about capacity, but not the capacity of our minds. For every second I was worrying about my figure, or how people took me at face-value, I could focus less on what was important: my message. My message is a story of not only what I know, but how I interpret and deliver it. I’m there because I’m supposed to be. I’m the most qualified person because of the hours dedicated and the passion expressed. 10 pounds, 5 pounds, or 2 pounds here or there didn’t matter.
Moving forward, understand that we are where we are because of who we are, not because of the number on the scale.
Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.

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