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I’m redefining success….

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Let’s jam about one of the most talked about subjects of all time…
What the EFF (excuse my almost french) does that mean? ‘He’s so successful, she’s successful, the company is successful’ Yadda, yadda. More often that not, society associates success with money and power. They go hand in hand, like peanut butter and jelly.
I’m going to redefine success, or better said – what success means to me.
I believe, success is small tiny accomplishments you achieve throughout the day. The mini breakthroughs, the realizations, human connection, or perhaps just ticking off one little ‘get do to’ on the list. Whatever is it – you achieved it and therefore, I would label that a success. Validating your little waves of success with gratitude is so powerful, let yourself marinate in your accomplishments. Allowing yourself to fully experience the moment will open the door up for more. More success, more gratitude, more love and much more joy.
Success is setting an alarm, getting up and moving your body
Success is limiting negative self-talk
Success is doing one small thing in the name of self compassion
Success is sweating
Success is not burning dinner
Success is a conversation which gave you another perspective
Success is a first kiss
Success is making a stranger smile
Success is letting go of what doesn’t serve you
Success is falling in love
Success is loving every inch of yourself
We too often don’t congratulate our little achievements. We think if we aren’t banking a solid amount of dough, or aren’t climbing the corporate ladder, we aren’t successful. Identify what success means to you and chase it with all your heart, not your head or ego. Then, and only then will you experience the feeling of pure success – joy. Remember, what you focus on expands – focus on what you want, you’ll attract an abundance of it in your world.
‘Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.

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