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How to Know if You Struggle with Binge Eating

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One of the questions I’m asked quite often is, “How do I know I have a binge eating problem?” Sometimes it can be hard to determine if you are truly struggling with disordered eating or if you just really like food.
The first way to help figure out if you are struggling with binge eating is to understand why you are doing what you are doing.
What is your intention behind consumption? When you grab that slice of pizza, are you eating it to nourish your body and because you just love pizza, or are you eating it to numb unwanted feelings or thoughts?
You spend a majority of your life all up in your head and constantly hustling on to the next task or responsibility. That’s why it’s important to really observe your habits and the thought process behind those habits.
The next time you go to eat something, stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself your intention behind consuming that food.
Another way to help you figure out if you have a binge eating disorder is to ask yourself, “Am I  constantly thinking about food?”
If you’re at work and having a bad day, and all you can think about is going home, changing into comfy clothes, and devouring a pint of ice cream – then your intention behind that action is not nourishment for your body but to escape your reality. This could be an indication that you may be struggling with disordered eating.
It’s important to know that the severity of disordered eating can range from sometimes using food emotionally to extreme bingeing behaviors, and everything in between. But at the end of the day, the range doesn’t matter because the root of all of it–no matter the range–is similar. It’s an inability to understand how emotions work and how to feel your emotions in order to heal.
Finally, reflect on whether or not you constantly want to “check out” of your body. If this is the case for you, it could mean that you’re using food as a drug. Really take inventory of your actions and your intentions.
Are you using food to numb your emotions?
Are you uncomfortable with the emotions in your body?
What is your relationship to your emotions? Dysfunctional?
Often times, a dysfunctional relationship to emotions can translate to a dysfunctional relationship with food. This is your body’s way of communicating with you. It’s letting you know that in those moments when you’re stress eating or constantly thinking about food, there is a deeper, internal issue that you are avoiding. Whatever it is, it’s likely that is has nothing to do with food. Instead, there is something that you need to address and heal.
If you do struggle with binge eating, here is my top ninja strategy to help derail it:
You need to feel in order to heal.
You cannot think or overanalyze your way out of a binge eating disorder. Feeling your emotions is the gateway to transformation. Not fad diets, not over-exercising…the fix is actually much simpler than that: you need to connect with your body and start to acknowledge and feel your emotions.
Click here to watch the video version of How to Know if You Struggle with Binge Eating.
And if you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food and your body, click here to learn more about my signature coaching program, The Society.
All love,

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