As I sit in my apartment sipping tea, I feel a sense of overwhelm. I suddenly notice I’m knees deep in 134 unanswered e-mails, endless editing, creating, writing, thinking, over-thinking, then thinking again – I decide to take a little ‘brain break’ and touch base with one of my mentors Danielle Laporte.
This week she’s been in the zone of ‘stop doing’ things. You know – those mundane tasks we ‘have to do’ obligations we feel attached to and plans we feel pressured into. Made me think, I’m totally in this boat. Perhaps I feel like I’m too busy (a word I’m desperately trying to remove from my vocabulary) because I’m busy doing things which really aren’t serving me, my business, or those around me.
Cha ‘freaking ching.
Nailed it. So I made a list of things I’m going to stop doing. Being busy (mentally and/or physically) doesn’t equal productivity, nor fulfillment. Simplify, simplify, simplify – this is the key. When you cut the crap and focus on what inspires you, juices you and makes you tick, you’re onto something. As always – I want to be as raw, authentic and vulnerable as possible, keeping it real from first hand experiences so you can relate and hopefully take away a few tid bits that will inspire you.
Here goes it.
…now it’s your turn.
What are you going to ‘stop doing’ in order to live an extraordinary life?
With Massive Love,
Samantha Skelly
Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.