So many people are disconnected from themselves, and I totally get it – that was me for years. When you’re lacking that relationship to yourself and your body, the idea of self-discovery can seem like another language that’s impossible to learn. But I promise – it’s not. Self-discovery was a huge part of my own recovery and transformation, and I know that it can help you up level your life, too.
If you’re interested in self-discovery, but you’re not sure where to start, I’ve got you. These are some of my favorite ways to connect with myself on a deeper level. Try any or all, and see which ones resonate with you!

- Meditation: I know, I know, I ramble on about meditation 24/7 but it’s so freakin’ magical! It really did change my life. Giving yourself stillness and silence on the daily is a sure fire way to go deeper and rise to your best self. If you’re a meditation newb, try guided meditations or a free meditation app. You can also try our 21 Day Food Freedom & Body Love Meditation Series. Our community loooves it, and it’s an awesome tool if you’re just getting started.
- Journal: Journaling is a great way to connect with yourself. You can prompt yourself with different questions or ideas to explore, or you can just do some free writing, and write whatever flows without any prompting or forethought. You can even try writing a letter to yourself and see what comes up!
- Get curious: If it’s been a while since you’ve done anything remotely self-discovery related, you may not even know what you like or want out of life. So get curious! Is there some place or experience that keeps popping into your head – try it out. See an ad for an art class that sounds fun? Sign up! Try different things and see what lights you up.
- Self-dates: Try to schedule some you time each week. You don’t have to do anything too elaborate or expensive. Even if it’s just some meditation and a little dose of self-care. The point is to be intentional about setting some time in your schedule to just reflect, be with yourself, and do what feels good to establish a deeper connection to yourself.

Self-discovery doesn’t need to be scary. It can be fun. It’s something you get to do. So be creative and patient with yourself, and see what your highest, best, and most authentic self is all about!