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Shame Eats Us Alive, Literally.

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Shame eats us alive…
It’s one of those dreaded feelings in the body that we suppress and distract ourselves from.
Shame feels heavy – it feels like a rock on the heart and a tennis ball in the throat.
Who feels me? In fact, I’m sure as your reading this you’re feeling these sensations.
DON’T fight it, this is good – feeling shame is the gateway to releasing it from the body.
I’m sure your brain is flooded with scenarios and things you feel shame about, right in this very instant – amiiiright?
When shame is spoken about openly – or when we bring it to the surface it loses its charge.
Shame can no longer manifest when we bring it up and talk through it. It’s a magical clearing we all have access to.
It takes courage and patience. When we consciously bring up the ‘shadow’ parts of us, the parts we want to hide, it feels uncomfortable, which is why we never do it.
There is no such thing as a ‘bad’ emotion. Everything is true to you, therefore, each feeling is valid and perfect. Sit with it, sit with your shame. Say it out loud, write it out or meditate on it. Whatever outlet feels right for you, go with that.
I love writing it out, it releases it from my body. When I no longer suppress these feelings I feel light, I feel awake and I feel cleansed.
Shame is HUGE when it comes to body image and food.
‘I am shameful I ate all those cookies’
‘I am shameful I gained 3 pounds’
‘I am shameful I didn’t go to the gym today’
‘I am shameful I binged on sweets all night last night’
‘I am shameful I am so fat’
Listen to your shame, some things that may come up will be years old, that fine, honour it accordingly.
Don’t discount the fact you are feeling these feelings. They are there for a reason. Bring awareness to them. Whatever modality feels right for you – do it. Write, talk, or mediate it out. Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness, it takes massive strength.
You’ll feel an enormous amount of weight lifted – a lightness in your body.
Create space for lightness, ease, and flow…
You’ve got this.
Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.

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