Our diet and weight loss culture is a screwed up and convoluted paradigm which leaves us confused, frustrated and unsure of what we should be eating. There is no ease, flow or rhythm when it comes to diet trends. They are all based on the ‘all of nothing’ mentality. Restricting heavily, which then leads to binging once we are done which results in adding more weight then when we started.
One of my driving motivations for founding Hungry For Happiness in 2014 was to raise the consciousness around food, exercise and diet. Set the standard by coaching and inspiring women to bring their bodies to a position of ultimate health without these crazy freaking diet trends.
The 60 BILLION dollar weight loss industry unfortunately has the power and capital to spend millions of dollars on marketing campaigns which promise the gift of happiness with a pill. This shit needs to stop now. What they are really selling is frustration, toxic bodies & eating disorders.
For argument sake, and simple science, let’s take the Akins diet. You are protein poisoning your body by forcing it into a ketosis, causing your body into a acid state. Your breath will smell like crap, you’ll feel lethargic, irritable & depressed.
‘What is my philosophy for being healthy?’ When was the last time you consciously asked yourself this? If I was to take a guess, my guess would be never. We KNOW we want to lose weight and feel healthy and have optimal energy, however we have no idea how – so we patiently wait for the ‘next big thing’ to hit the market and we jump all over it. Focus on how you want to feel. What are the primary beliefs you are believing about weight loss? Chances are your brain has been hardwired to believe these fallacious stories about weight loss. Think about it…what rules or guidelines are you following just because it’s what you’ve always believed?
It’s time to educate, inspire and change the way we view health. Nourish your body from a cellular level and from a place of love. Workout because you LOVE your body, not because you’re running away (no pun intended) from a fear of getting fat. PLEASE for the love of GOD stop spending money on fad diets and pills.
Stop restricting and harming, & start honouring and loving your body. It’s such a kick-ass and incredible vessel which deserves to be taken care of and loved from the inside out. Cleanse your body from a cellular level and from a place of health. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is pain.
Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.