Humour me for just a second….
How has hating your body served you in a positive way?
How has waking up everyday telling yourself you are ugly, fat and gross shaped you into better person, better friend, better mother or better human being?
Really think about this, how has all the internal negative self talk and all the years of ‘body bashing’ had a positive impact on your life? If I was to take a wild guess, I’d probably say it’s been nothing but damaging and has led you onto a path of self doubt and self destruction.
Why do we do it?
…I know the answer!
It’s because it’s what feels comfortable – you’ve always done it and it’s what you are used to. The idea of ‘positive self talk’ seems like ‘woo hoo’ bullshit and feels pretty uncomfortable when you try it, so you throw in the towel and revert back to your old ways. We are stuck in a place of fear, ‘if I continue to hate my body, it will put the pressure on me to change’ This is where trust comes in – trust with all your heart that once you start loving and trusting your body (fully trusting, with all your heart) you’ll be brought into a position to truly create change, internally and externally.
I want you to get real – I don’t want you not to ‘try’ anymore, I want you to take action in befriending your body. Who are you to think you don’t embody greatness? Who are you to think you aren’t capable of changing not only your world, but the world of those around you. You are so much greater than you give yourself credit for, and I am here to break the silence and let you know. There is SO much more right with you than wrong with you, focus on that and watch the magic unfold. We can’t afford to be hyper focussed on ‘fault-finding’ in a world where other people do it for us. Take responsibility for your own personal greatness – now.
We all think we are alone in our journey back to self love – we all feel so alone, so desperate for change – yet we feel like we are the only ones struggling and the only ones feeling like we need to be fixed, changed or perfected.
This concept all comes down to mindfulness – being mindful about how we speak to ourselves. It takes awareness, it’s not easy but it’s CRITICAL for strengthening the relationship you have with yourself. Allowing your unconscious mind to rule your reality is being negligent to the development of your soul and your overall happiness.
You are a beautiful being of the universe, don’t let your inner critic tell you otherwise.
Photography by Chelsey Luren Photography
Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.