As busy successful business women, we need to really take note of the relationship we have to food and our bodies. The nature of our personalities is to ‘do it all, be it all’ all the time. This constant need for over achievement and control can spin us into dysfunctional relationships with food and our bodies.
Often our hyper demanding schedules can take precedence and our intrinsic need for self care and self love doesn’t take priority. The potential of these behaviours perpetuating into disordered eating is high. As high-achieving busy women, we are constantly on the go, knees deep in projects, deadlines and demands. At times it feels like everything is spinning out of control. In order to meet our innate need for certainty, we control our food. We get used to the idea of analyzing and obsessing over our calories and treat it as a ‘new health kick’
Rather than placing our need for self care in a pile of ‘if I have time’ it’s essential we rearrange our priorities so we can cater to our primal needs, like love and connection. Here are a few things to consider to prevent you from developing damaging relationship with food and your body.
Establishing a solid foundation of love and acceptance within our bodies is our access point to unlocking a powerful place of peace and greatness we all have within us. Be aware, listen to your internal talk and always ask yourself…
‘What am I actually hungry for?’
Massive Love + Huge Hugs
Ps – If you’re ready to take the next step and finally end your battle with food, you’re ready for the Society. Click here to apply.